Thursday, April 30, 2009
It's official - he has turned into SCOOTER, JR! We noticed about a week and a half ago that CFJ was "scooting" around in his sleep. I thought I was going crazy one morning I went in and his head was where his feet should have been. He has completely scooted around and was not at all in the same position I left him in. I had to rack my brain to see if maybe I had put him down the opposite way - but I knew that wasn't the case as the way I feed/hold him prohibits me from laying him down any other way without lots of jostling and risk of waking him. Almost every morning since then he has been in some other position - its pretty funny. Long gone are the days when he stayed put- I have a feeling in the months to come I will remember them fondly!
This is how I found the little monkey this morning...
This is how I found the little monkey this morning...
Mind you - this is after he slept for 12 straight hours AND played HAPPILY in his crib for about 30 minutes. He is amazing. So, thank you to all who voted in my poll. You were right if you picked "when he is good and ready" because he defiantly did this one on his own. We may have helped my giving in and allowing him to sleep on his belly - but we will go with "he did it on his own". He is such a sweet little man - one of the highlights of the day is getting him up from a nap.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am working from home today - Bj is downstairs on the computer, I am upstairs at the dining room table - and Connor is sleeping. I have the monitor next to me - Bj must have forgotten it and I can hear my sweet boy "clicking" with his tongue. He is awake, happy as can be, entertaining himself in his crib and I can just hear him "cluck-cluck" coming out of the monitor. I don't think I could love this boy anymore than I do!
Monday, April 27, 2009
a day in the life...
so, as previously mentioned my poor bugster has been a bit on the sleepy side since his friday vaccinations - no worries at all, it's understandable - i don't feel well when i get shots either. i got home from work, said hi and goodbye to bj - fed the munchkin and we snuck out for a few minutes, i had to get one quick thing from the grocery store... (side note: by "we" i mean me, connor, scout and sedona all piled in the car - they have a dog gate that keeps them in the backseat and off little man) well, i came out of the grocery store to see sedona happily grinning away in the front seat. no scout though - until i rounded the corner and saw his head face down in my lunch box eating my carrots (weird that they were still left, huh?!). they had weasled their way out of the dog gate. i called bj as c-man was fussing in the back, sedona was licking him to make him feel better and scout was STILL eating carrots in the front seat while we drove home. that ladies and gentleman is a little snippet of my life. and you know what, i love every minute of it, and i wouldn't trade it for anything!
Self Portraits with Momma

My Awesome Brother

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Team Connor
Connor helped me pick out our walking outfits last night, complete with his "running shoes"!
The whole family piled in the car and we made it to the park just in time for the countdown. It was a really great event! It was so moving to see how many people made it out to help raise awareness and find answers/treatments for premature babies. It may not seem like much, but after everything Connor went through his first month of life, I am so thankful for those that have worked to make those rough few weeks a little easier on the babies and their families. You never expect your baby to have to spend more than the two or four days in the hospital after birth - you certainly never expect to wake up in the middle of the night to your baby crying because they are having to have their IV changed. Sweet little babies shouldn't have to worry about any of this. So, I will do anything in my power to continue efforts to raise awareness and make like a little easier.
We plan on doing this again next year and a HUGE thank you to Granny D, The Rice's, The Bray's and The Kepplinger's for your generous donations. We really appreciate it!
Friday, April 24, 2009
4 Month Check-Up
We just got back from Connor's four month check-up! My poor bugster had to get two more vaccines and he is upstairs sleeping away. Poor man, he does not like getting those shots. I have to say we were so excited to see Ms. Jill and Ms. Roberta - it has been two months and we miss them! After our appointment, we went to the NICU to visit our nurse friends and it was really crazy. There were teeny tiny twins in Connor's room and I was stunned again at how little he was when he was in there - and now look at him. Four months old and big as can be! It was nice too, I worked the system and got a hospital grade nasal aspirator from them as I learned the hard way that they don't steam sterilize and they don't sell them anywhere!
Drum roll please...
Connor's FOUR month stats:
Weight: 13 POUNDS!!
Length: 24 1/4 in.
Head Circumference: 16 in.
Holy, big man! My guesstimate was 12 lb. 5 oz. - I was SHOCKED when he was 13 big ones. He has tripled and added a pound to his birth weight - way to go! He is again in the 50% all across the board. Ms. Jill said he is looking great, she couldn't get over how big he is. Nothing new until his six month check-up!
This Sweet Angel...

I just can't believe how many milestones we have had and how many more we will have in the future. I can honestly say I see what people mean when they "live through their kids". We were insanely proud of a seemingly small milestone in his life like sleeping through the night. I think we might fall over at the pride in our chests when he scores his first goal in a soccer game, gets an A on a test (all of his tests for that matter, he IS going to be the smartest boy alive) and gets into college. We just love you sweet pea.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I Love the Tub!
Hanging out in my Onesie
Tell It Like It Is
Baby Weight. I know I have mentioned it before, but as the weather is getting nicer and nicer (76* today!) I am thinking about it more and more. It can be discouraging seeing women in the media who sneeze and all their baby weight is gone - and they look better than they did before they were pregnant. Their skin is glowing and they look fantastic. I on the other hand am loosing my luscious pregnancy hair, I have dark circles under my eyes and I am nowhere near looking fantastic...yet. Well, my Baby Center Bulletin for today was "Real Women and Baby Weight - Tell it like it Is". I have to say that I felt a whole lot better knowing that it takes most normal women awhile to shed the pounds. I know it took 7.5 months to gain it all and it will take that if not longer to lose it - but sometimes I wish it fell off a little easier than it is. That is it - I promise not to talk anymore about it until my "I look FANTASTIC" post-partum post!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
An Afternoon at the Park
Sunday Morning Snuggle
We love the weekends around our house, and we love to snuggle! Sunday mornings are usually reserved for waking up, getting the little man, and hanging out in bed. As you will see below, the whole family likes to snuggle in bed, Scouters and Sedoners too! Connor is usually really happy when he wakes up in the morning and is pretty happy to be reunited with us after so many long hours.
We had a nice snuggle this morning and were lucky because daddy cooked us a delicious breakfast, with pancakes and everything. We were talking about how fun our Sunday Snuggles are going to be when Connor is requesting the "C" pancake for Connor man!
Four Generations
Saturday, April 18, 2009
March of Dimes

The Daily Camera
I was going through and updating Connor's baby book this weekend when I realized I hadn't gotten the newspaper when his birth was announced. We did it from the hospital, but they had no idea when it would run, so we never got the actual paper. I found the birth announcement section online and thought I would post it. The little boy, Mason, at the end was also in the NICU with us. He left the week before we did - his family was one of the first families we connected with! It was so exciting to see the little man's name in the paper!
Friday, April 17, 2009
4 Months!
I still can't quite believe it, but this little man is 4 months old! I just look at him and I am amazed at how fast he is growing up. I know four months doesn't sound all that big, but to think that he started out so small and is now filling out three month clothes - it's amazing and wonderful!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Boy!
It's a little long - two minutes - but it's a cute little video of the happy boy in his bouncy chair!
He just loves this thing - he gets in and just smiles and laughs and has a grand old
time entertaining himself! We love it!
He just loves this thing - he gets in and just smiles and laughs and has a grand old
time entertaining himself! We love it!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Holding Hands
My Fingers!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Talking Back
In the last few weeks Connor has really started "talking"! It is so fun - you can talk to him, sing to him, whatever and he just talks right back to you! He laughs and giggles and talks like he knows exactly what is going on. It is a so sweet and really funny! We were laying on the bed with him telling him what we were going to do yesterday and he was excited about the plans. He was just staring at us - telling us all about what he thought! I just can't get over how much he is growing and changing. Everyday is something new and wonderful and we are just so happy. He is a sweet little bug - and for now I love that he talks back to me :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
A very happy easter from the Johnson's!
We had a great day. The Easter bunny made two trips to our house (once when Granny was here and once last night) and surprised us with some very special treats!
Sedona got a special bone from the Easter bunny - it didn't last long!
Scout enjoying one of his treats from the Easter bunny!
Connor and his baskets! He got two outfits, a book, a lamb, new wrist rattles and a little chickie! He was pretty spoiled!
With his new best friend Mr. Lamb from easter bunny granny and his new favorite book, "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" - he had a great easter! He looked so handsome in his Baby's First Easter outfit - I can't believe how many first holiday outfits we have already gone through. Sweet boy is getting big!! We are so thankful for all of our wonderful friends and family and we hope you all had a lovely day with your families!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Happy Birthday to Daddy!
We woke up this morning and we were so excited to sing daddy happy birthday! Connor was all smiles and laughs - he was pretty excited to share in daddy's big day!
Daddy and his gifts from Momma, Connor, Scout, Sedona and the Easter Bunny!
Connor picked out the "Daddy's All Star" jammies to wear while he watches the Cardinals with daddy!
Daddy and his sweet boy
Erin, Sally, Connor and Daddy
We had a lovely day-we had breakfast at Lucille's, came home and opened gifts, and went to Ryan and Erin's for Easter brunch. Daddy was so surprised with his massage, new shorts for softball and outfit from Connor. We think he had a pretty great birthday. Thanks for being such a great daddy...we love you!!
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