I still can't quite believe it, but this little man is 4 months old! I just look at him and I am amazed at how fast he is growing up. I know four months doesn't sound all that big, but to think that he started out so small and is now filling out three month clothes - it's amazing and wonderful!

Our printer is out of ink and I was not able to print out his four month sign, but just know it was there in spirit! He looked a little too cute in his Jr. Rockasaurus shirt and jeans from Aunt Steph that I took about 400 pictures of him! Bj came up about half way through the photo shoot and was helping me get him to look at me - from the beginning Scout and Sedona have LOVED all of his toys - and Sedona could not resist trying to get the toy when she saw daddy holding it over Connor's head. It was pretty funny!

We have seen so many changes in Connor this month. He is just talking up a storm and he loves to "talk back" to you. He is singing and giggling, laughing and smiling all the time. He is eating between five and six ounces at a time - a long way from the 3cc's he started out eating! He is starting to notice the dogs and realizes they are pretty funny creatures! He loves taking baths and has started kicking his legs and splashing in the water! He is just getting his own little personality and we love it! He came be a bit dramatic sometimes - but we mostly find that amusing. We just love him all the time and can't wait to see what five months brings! Happy four months, sweet pea!
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