September 8, 2008 marked the beginning of my 20
th week. Woo-
hoo, we are half way there! We both cannot believe how fast it has gone, it seems like just yesterday we were all grins and tears...finding out for the first time. I don't know why it ever surprises me anymore how fast time flies, I am sure next year I will be writing about how I cannot believe our baby is going to be one in a few short months. Craziness!
Things are great! We are both so happy. I think
Bj would agree...we would be rich if I had a dollar for
every time I tell him how I excited I am for this little baby Johnson to make its way into the world.

I have been on a terror lately, tearing the house apart trying to get things organized before we switch the office to the nursery and the basement to the office/den. It has been so fun though, seeing all of the things we can use around the house in the nursery and dreaming our big dreams for the little ones first room.
Bj has
definitely been the sweet husband/dad-t0-be and appeasing my terrors...
ie:moving all the furniture from room to room and humoring me looking at paint colors! He knows how I am though and I am pretty sure he loves me for it. We have been so fortunate and offered
Blu's old crib (Thanks Angelo, Erin and
Blu!) and have a bookcase and night stand handy from the guest room. We only have a dresser left to search for and the rocking chair. As all of you already know about me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love piecing together what I can and seeing how it comes together...I don't know why I ever thought the nursery would be any different! Next up is organizing the closet...fun stuff!
We went and registered for some fun stuff over the weekend and it got us even more excited! We had NO idea there was so much fun stuff out there for baby and OH MY was Babies 'R Us a site to behold...we had never ventured in there. Aisles and aisles of stuff, it was a great store and very organized I might add.
Other than that, we are enjoying the season changing over into fall. We can't quite believe September is here, but are enjoying the cool weather. It already has me excited for fires in the fireplace! We are still working away on names...they are tough I tell you. We only have one to pick too as the middle and last name are taken. Oh well, I know we will come up with something that suites us and the little one just fine. Just a little under two weeks until the sonogram...we can't wait to see what the little one is up to! I can feel him or her moving all around in there and the belly is getting mighty big. I had someone tell me the other day that I
definitely look pregnant now, and even though I may have felt big before (I know this is not the last time I will say this) I AM really big now! It amazed me going through my pictures and looking at the difference between today pictures and second trimester pictures. Crazy stuff! I have only gained three pounds thus far and feel like most of it is going to the old belly, with a little leftover for my face, of course. I can't wait to put them all together at the end and see how much I have grown. Oh, one more craving...THE OLIVE GARDEN. Not sure where it came from, but I can't get enough of the place. The soup, salad and breadsticks combo is a bit more than I can handle, I think Bj will kill me if I drag him there one more time. Oh well, it's good and cheap at least :)
I think that is about all we have, stay tuned for more. Hopefully one of these days I can get a family photo on there...we need to flag someone down in the street to take it for us!