As you can tell from the title, the Johnson family (minus the doggies) packed up and flew to North Carolina for a long weekend. We had such a wonderful time and were completely spoiled by our wonderful friends.
The highlight of the trip (besides seeing all my best friends and the Kepplinger's new house) was our Surprise Baby Shower! Stephanie Diane Kepplinger completely outdid herself and surprised both of us with a lovely shower on Friday night, in honor of Baby Johnson. She had a lovely spread (complete with pigs-in-a-blanket...I stood by the plate and ate most of th

em, surprising huh?) and beautiful decorations. Her new home is lovely and a great place to entertain! She invited all of our good friends from college and we had a wonderful time! The baby was completely spoiled and has some beautiful new things to enjoy after he/she arrives in the world. We were given some great, soft blankets for the baby and are currently devising a plan to keep Sir Scout away from them. He is going to be oh-so-sad when he realizes they are not binkies for him and will not be taken outside to the backyard.
We had so much yummy food, drinks, catching up with friends and even a baby game! I am proud to say that mom and dad-to-be were on the winning team of "Name that Tune"! As it very well should be :) We both cannot thank everyone enough for the love and support, you all are too good to us!
We also mad

e a trip to the old Alma Mater, Elon University. I have not been back to campus since graduation and Bj has never been. It was so neat to see all that they have done in four years and show off where I went to school and met some of my best friends. Steph, Keith, Bj and I had lunch at Sidetracks and reminisced all of our great times. It was so fun to see the circle we have taken, Steph and I met so many years ago IN LINE WAITING FOR PHOENIX CARDS, right Steph?! and it was so fun to be back where the friendship started with our husband's and the little peanut. I somehow resisted the urge to buy an Elon onesie for the little one...maybe the next trip. After the Elon visit, we were off to Storms wedding.
After our full day of touring Elon, we make the trek to Greensboro for Storms wedding extravaganza.

It was so fun to see even more familiar college faces and live it up like we used to. I love getting together with my girls...even though it has been four years it is as though no time has passed. We all have so many new things going on in our lives, but it just makes it more exciting to have good friends to share it with. I had an "Ellen" moment and was just overwhelmed with the fact that we are bringin

g a baby into this world with so many wonderful family and friends to welcome him or her. We are so very lucky. The evening was great...Little Momma even made a trip on stage to sing (heaven help this poor baby, I am afraid I am already embarrassing the little one...from the womb!). The Cupid Shuffle was the hit of the evening, I can only imagine how cute my pregnant self looked shuffling around :) Once we got back to The Kepplinger's we hit the bed. It was the beginning of the end for the old cankles and me, I don't know why I was surprised come Monday when they still hadn't gone down! Sunday was spent lounging and enjoying our last day together.
Overall it was a wonderful trip, I only wish we had a few more days to spend together. It was so nice to bring Bj along as I love him dearly and enjoy every chance I get to show him off. Thank you again to everyone, you truly are the best friends a girl could ask for!
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