Let me first say, it is very hard as a pregnant woman to fill your bladder up to the very top and then be expected to hold it for long periods of time, I can barely do that when I am not pregnant. Once I got over the initial discomfort of having a full bladder (pretty much the minute I laid down on the table and had my belly smeared up with goop) we were in a complete state of awe at the sights we were seeing. I am not even sure I can completely describe what it feels like to see YOUR baby growing and moving inside the belly. I have been able to tell from the constant kicks and jabs that this is one active little child. I may regret this later, but I love the baby for this now. It is nice to feel those movements and know everything is okay and it was so wonderful to see the baby moving all over the place in the womb, confirming my suspicions. We were completely awe-struck when we saw the little legs just moving around all over the place...they looked like little frog legs (they also looked mighty long in my opinion!!). It was amazing, I was screeching in delight screaming to Bj, "did you see that?!". I could have watched the little one for the rest of the day.
Everything looks perfect. The technician said I am dead on at 21 weeks and 5 days, so no change in the January due date. The little peanut weighs a little over one pound and has a perfect little heartbeat. We saw little legs, arms, the heart (you can see it beating...it's wild!), the spine, the kidneys, the belly (it looks huge!!) and everything looked exactly the way it should. In my opinion, the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, not that I am biased in the slightest bit. I haven't been able to stop staring at the little pictures they gave us, I wanted to tell the technician to take as many as she could! I already have the little frame all picked out and it will be the first of many in the little nursery.
For one of the first times in my life, I feel as though I am at a complete loss of words. I feel such a sense of pride, happiness, awe, and shock. I just cannot wait for this little baby to make an appearance in the world, on their due date and no earlier thank you. We still have lots to do to get ready (and nugget has lots more growing to do), but I feel confident in both of us. We are walking around with huge smiles and all is well and good in the Johnson

Nugget Sneak Peak 1 -- The first profile shot! You see the baby's perfect little head (containing a HUGE and extremely intelligent brain...I can already see that in the womb...amazing.), the little nose, mouth,eyes, ear, neck and body :) Perfect, wouldn't you say?!

Nugget Sneak Peak 2 -- This is a whole body profile shot. On the left side we see the head, the little arm/hand up by the face and the little legs up in the air! Don't those legs look awfully long!? We like to think that is a little wave to mom and dad...a little "hey, how are ya?! can't wait to meet you!" :)

Nugget Sneak Peak 3 -- This one is a little confusing, so here goes. The head is on the right side of the picture and half looking at us, that is the arm up by the side of the face and a full frontal view of the belly (on the left side the LARGE round object). I believe that is a straight view of the belly and a profile of the rest.
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