So, on Kelly's Korner a few weeks ago she was talking about a word she and her friends use when they are embarrassed. "Chawed". I thought it was pretty cute and it TOTALLY fits in this situation. At work we have to send out email campaigns to reach professors in different ways - those we wouldn't normally be able to talk to, to send messages about certain books - you know, lots of different reasons. Well, one of my co-workers came around the other day with a camera. I was like, hmm...what do you need a camera for? She was like oh, we are taking pictures for the email campaigns! AH! My ugly mug will be pasted on the side of the email campaign that I send out to 3,000 schools and about as many professors! I am TOTALLY CHAWED! I get that it is more personal for them to see the face of the person helping them - but as previously stated, I am not super happy with post-baby body - but what are you going to do? I will get there eventually and I don't think any of the professors are going to take enough of a look at my picture to notice :) I actually think it will be really cute - and I sure have had fun planning my email campaigns!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wrestle Mania!
The little man has decided that he ONLY loves to be on his belly these days, or sitting, or trying to pull himself up on something. So, my once very sweet little diaper changer is now auditioning for lead role in the "Diaper Wrestling League!". It is actually kind of funny - the minute you get him on the changing table he flips over! I don't even usually have time to get out that fancy shiny object to distract him with before he is on his belly! He is an animal! It is actually kind of funny, but Lord have Mercy I don't know what we are going to do with this child! He thinks it is pretty darn funny too - he just giggles away and I mean...with that sweet giggle, how can you help but chuckle yourself! It is amazing how fast he is able to get around too, it is making us realize that he is going to be on the go any day now! He is just going to take off and there will be no going back. The other morning I was changing him out of his jammers and diaper and he looked so cute flipped over with his little naked butt up in the air that I took him off the changing table, ran to get the camera and put him back on. I am insane - but I got a cute little naked bum picture :)
And a few with him playing with the snot sucker - that was my distraction object of choice! What you can't see is that in the next picture he is practically hanging over the edge of the changing table performing all kind of acrobatics in an attempt to flip over - which he did!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Rainy Day
We had a rainy day on Friday and it seemed to suit the little man and I just fine! We knew it was a pj-ammy kind of day and we took full advantage of it! For some reason I was in a picture snapping mood (shocking, I know!) and I got a few of the little man!
Arms Up!
Oh, and in case you were wondering - he is totally playing with my dirty laundry on the floor :)
I can honestly say that I have been waiting (patiently as I have loved going through the stages with Connor) for the day that I would come into his room and he would sit up in his crib with his arms up. Ah, it just melts my heart thinking about it. While he hasn't figured out how to do that yet, he has figured out how to throw his arms up in the air when he wants to be held! It is about the sweetest little thing I know! He will even, while laying on his tummy, look back at you and throw one arm up in the air. Oh, he is too sweet for this momma to handle. I swear he is growing like a weed these days and always up to something new. He is the happiest little man and he just loves hanging out.
I get excited when he wakes up and I know I will run in his room and go "uh! there is a MOOSE in here!!" and he will grin, giggle, kick his legs, shake his whole body and just wait for me to pick him up. My second favorite would have to be when he is sitting on the couch, floor, bed, with his little belly hanging over his pants and the arms go up like "momma, daddy, I need you." Love you, love you sweet pea!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
"...Take Me Out to the BallGame...
...Cause it's root, root, root for the CARDINALS!"
That's right - Connor Francis went to his first official Cardinals game this afternoon! The Cards won five games in a row and had a deal where you could get $4 tickets and Momma scored three! We were so excited to take the little man to the game, HE was so excited that he woke up at 5:30 this morning to crawl in bed with us and "chat" about how excited he was :) We got all of our gear together the night before and we were ready to hit the road as soon as I got home from work!
The little family picture! We were way up in Big Mac Land, so we came down a few levels to get a shot with the arch in the background. Our seats were perfect though - we were in the shade on this warm day and it couldn't have been nicer. We sat in front of some really nice people who were laughing at all the pictures we were taking. Connor was great for the game! He didn't quite know what to think about all the clapping and screaming - but he sure enjoyed himself! He was having so much fun flirting with the lady behind us though he wasn't paying all that much attention to the game! I don't know what we are going to do with that one!

In anticipation of Connor's first Cardinals game this evening - we did a little pre-gaming last night. We played a little "Fisher Price" baseball - getting him used to the baseball lingo and gear. He seemed to take to it pretty well, even putting his "game face" on in the last picture...
There is a pretty good chance that I wore the same pair of pants to work three days in a row. I also MIGHT have worn that pair of pants today even though Connor spit up on them last night...OOPS! I guess that's what happens when I only have two pair of "business casual pants" to wear to work!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Who is that Baby?
It's Me!

We have so many people who think he looks just like me, just like BJ, or a perfect combination. I think that sounds just perfect - I hope he looks like his handsome daddy and I figure with all the work I did to get him here I at least want him to have a smidge of me in him!! :) We were having so much fun looking at these pictures because he really DOES look a little like me! I am 9 months in these pictures, so almost exactly his age.

Baby Sign Language
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Big Boy Bath!

Little Bookworm

I keep meaning to blog about this - as I laugh about it all the time, but I can't stop swaying! I don't know that I ever really blogged about it, because I was too tired, but Connor had quite the case of colic as a wee one and we did, have done and will continue to do a lot of swaying in our house. I seriously can't stand up and talk to someone without swaying! I usually don't notice it, but when I do I try and make myself stop, and I will for a second but then I am usually right back at it. If we were holding him standing up, or he in the Bjorn, we were swaying. I was at the store last week, without the little bugster, and the woman behind me started laughing - I kind of looked behind me like great, what did I do this time?! She goes - are you a mom? I said, yes, and she said do you know that you are swaying back and forth?! That just kind of made me chuckle - mom's out there, are you swayers too?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Great Weekend!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cutie Pies
Steph's sweet friend Heather, (thanks Heather!!!) took the time out of her busy schedule to take some pictures of Connor and Reagan. Steph and I MIGHT be a little biased but we think these two are pretty stinkin cute! I just got the cd in the mail and I think the pictures turned out precious - this kiddos are just a pair of cutie pies!
I just think this one is precious - they both have the fingers in or near the mouth and they are just sweet, that is really all there is to say about it!

After the picture session I asked if we could snap a picture of the sweet boy on the rocking chairs and I think this is one of my favorites of just Connor - he looks so big sitting in the rocking chair in his cute little outfit, I just love that child to pieces.
I also think this one is hilarious - Connor has carrots all over his face (way to go Momma!) and they are like "seriously?!" But, I also think it's cute how they are leaning on each other in their darling little outfits...notice the matching seersucker and sweet monograms?!
I think sweet little Reagan looks precious in this picture! She just looks so big sitting up, hanging out...and I just love those sweet, big blue eyes! She is such a beautiful little lady!

After the picture session I asked if we could snap a picture of the sweet boy on the rocking chairs and I think this is one of my favorites of just Connor - he looks so big sitting in the rocking chair in his cute little outfit, I just love that child to pieces.

A Perfect Pear
So, thank you to my lovely blog readers for voting on Connor's next fruit! I searched high and low for apricots, but could not find them anywhere! So, I decided to go with the second place winner of PEARS! I think it is pretty evident from the pictures that he loved them - as he was trying to eat them straight out of the food processor!
Monday, August 17, 2009
8 Months Old!
Where, oh where is the time going? I cannot believe that you are 8 months old Connor Francis! You have grown and changed so much this month. I think first and foremost you are a WIGGLE WORM! You are nosy as can be and into absolutely everything! It is quite amusing to be honest - and you are just as happy as can be. You have a bit of a stubborn streak coming out and you still get cranky when you are hungry and tired (but let's be honest - who doesn't?!). Other than that you screech, scream and giggle in delight most of the day. You are a total flirt (heaven help us when those girls starting calling you!!) and you have completely stolen our hearts. You have started eating some fruits this month - you love blueberries, bananas and pears. You have also started eating avocado and we think you are a fan of that as well! You are sitting like you have sat your whole life and you LOVE it! You just did it one day while we were in Michigan and you haven't stopped since, you have also started facing out in your stroller - you are just such a big boy. In addition to sitting, you can go from sitting to laying on your tummy and you are a little too proud of yourself. Granny bought you some new "developmental toys" and you ave so much fun stacking your cups and gnawing on them :). You have started tilting your head to the side and smiling and it is about the cutest thing we have ever seen. I have a feeling you are going to use it to your advantage here in the near future, but we still love you anyway! Your grasp is amazing - you grab everything and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! We have realized you have a love for the finer things in life as you have been trying to paw of Nana's tennis bracelet and Grandpa's watch. Your grasp is incredible and you just grab at everything you see. Sometimes we watch you as you are sitting with something you want just out of your reach and you have look of fierce concentration on your face - we just see your brain working trying to figure out how you are going to get it. You are getting so close to crawling and you "stealth army crawl" when you want to find a new spot. You turn all around and scoot, but we feel like we never see you doing it! We joke that if we had a blanket that covered the room, you would still manage to be just off of it :) You are starting to wave "bye-bye" the motion, we don't think you know it's for bye-bye or hello yet. You started giving "kisses" a few weeks ago - more of a mouth open snuggle with our chins - but I think it's adorable! You are still a little snuggle monster and you are the absolute joy of our lives.
We couldn't love you anymore than we do! Can't wait to see what you get into this next month!
A Sippy Cup?!
Future Alma Mater
We just had such a great time at Elon and Steph and I kept laughing that little did we imagine ourselves strolling around our college campus with our babies. We took them all around and showed them all of our favorite spots. We even stopped a few kind gentleman in hopes that they would document the babies first trip to their future college! They were so cute and we were laughing as we were both sitting on the fountain ledge changing poopy diapers that this was far different than the "passing by the fountain on our way home from the lighthouse" we used to get into!! I think we may have reminisced a few evenings involving being in the fountain and afraid we wouldn't graduate!!

Meeting Reagan Mae!
The day finally came - the day we got to meet Reagan Mae! We have been counting down the days of summer in anticipation of meeting Reagan and visiting with Aunt Steph!! We arrived VERY late Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) and just had the best time. Connor was so great on the plane MINUS the fact that someone took all the diapers out of my diaper bag and when I reached into the diaper bag on the plane, ten minutes into the flight to change his poopy diaper - I had nothing there! I felt so bad for the people next to me, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do! After running through the ATL airport to hopefully make my connecting flight, I stalked down a woman with a son a good four months younger and borrowed a diaper. It was a size 1-2 and barely fit, but it did the trick! After arriving we hung out until about 2:30 am and finally went to bed. C was up twice and Reagan up once until 8am - so the mommies were feeling a little rough on Thursday! We just hung out in the morning and I got in lots of Reagan time while Connor man snoozed away!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Lazy Sunday Afternoon
This post is a week over due, but we have been busy around the Johnson household! Also, I don't know what is going on with my pictures? They show up crystal clear on the computer and when printed out, they just seem to be fuzzy on the blog...anyone have any tips? I am confused! Okay - so last week we had a lazy afternoon at the Johnson's swimming in the pool and enjoying some yummy food. We had such a nice day! We went house hunting in the morning, the doggies got groomed and then we enjoyed a beautiful St. Louis summer afternoon.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Blueberry Face!!
Even though the blog quiz voted for apricots - I couldn't resist making Connor some blueberries from our freshly picked four pounds first! He was so cute - he loves them!! We mixed them with his oatmeal and he was scraping the bowl :)
He not only had fun eating them, he had fun playing with them!! He kind of looks like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!?
I mean...I think this kid is precious - even with a face full of blueberries!
Daddy's Little Man
Good-bye Michigan!
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