...Cause it's root, root, root for the CARDINALS!"
That's right - Connor Francis went to his first official Cardinals game this afternoon! The Cards won five games in a row and had a deal where you could get $4 tickets and Momma scored three! We were so excited to take the little man to the game, HE was so excited that he woke up at 5:30 this morning to crawl in bed with us and "chat" about how excited he was :) We got all of our gear together the night before and we were ready to hit the road as soon as I got home from work!
The little family picture! We were way up in Big Mac Land, so we came down a few levels to get a shot with the arch in the background. Our seats were perfect though - we were in the shade on this warm day and it couldn't have been nicer. We sat in front of some really nice people who were laughing at all the pictures we were taking. Connor was great for the game! He didn't quite know what to think about all the clapping and screaming - but he sure enjoyed himself! He was having so much fun flirting with the lady behind us though he wasn't paying all that much attention to the game! I don't know what we are going to do with that one!

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