The day finally came - the day we got to meet Reagan Mae! We have been counting down the days of summer in anticipation of meeting Reagan and visiting with Aunt Steph!! We arrived VERY late Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) and just had the best time. Connor was so great on the plane MINUS the fact that someone took all the diapers out of my diaper bag and when I reached into the diaper bag on the plane, ten minutes into the flight to change his poopy diaper - I had nothing there! I felt so bad for the people next to me, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do! After running through the ATL airport to hopefully make my connecting flight, I stalked down a woman with a son a good four months younger and borrowed a diaper. It was a size 1-2 and barely fit, but it did the trick! After arriving we hung out until about 2:30 am and finally went to bed. C was up twice and Reagan up once until 8am - so the mommies were feeling a little rough on Thursday! We just hung out in the morning and I got in lots of Reagan time while Connor man snoozed away!
Here she is, just snoozing away! She is just such a sweet little peanut - we already can't wait to see her again!!
Thursday night we met Stef, Shae and Taxis out for dinner. It was delicious!! We had the best seafood and the kiddos looked so cute side by side in their carseats.
I think this could be my favorite picture of the whole trip - look at how cute they look!!?? They just look like yep, we are best friends and we already love each other. It's going to be such a sweet picture at the wedding rehearsal dinner :)
Aunt Steph's sweet friend Heather came over and took some pictures of the little ones - I just had to snap a few before she started! She was so sweet and I can't wait to see how they turned out! The kiddo's looked precious in their matching seersucker!!
Just in case you were wondering - that is the sweet man in FIRST CLASS on the way home! Yep, somehow we got upgraded and I tell you what, it was amazing! Connor knew he was in first class and elegantly fell asleep in my arms and snoozed the whole way, while the flight attendant kept refilling my water. It was glorious! Our trip went by WAAYY too fast - we are already planning another one! On Friday we were also able to stop by Elon and get some super cute pictures of the kiddos - and those were cute enough to deserve their own post! :) Thanks for having us Kepplinger's, we had a great time!
We are so blessed to have our little family, have moved back to St. Louis, and are enjoying "learning" our way through parenting. Check back regularly as we are always on the go and up to something!
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