I know he is wearing his Thanksgiving Bib and you can barely see his teeth - but I had to share! Connor must have been extra special this year because he only asked for two front teeth and received his four front teeth! I can't believe it is December 1! We are going to get the tree decorated this afternoon, I can't wait to see what the little man thinks of the lights. I just decorated my tree at work that sits at my desk - I am getting very much in the holiday mood!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
A Blast from the Past!

The Little Sweet Pea

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Nolan and Connor
Our friends Josh and Stacy were in town this week for Thanksgiving. They had their son Nolan almost three months ago and we were so excited to meet him! We met for lunch at Seamus McDaniels in Dogtown and had such a great time! Connor loved Nolan, here he is telling him all the fun things he will be able to do when he is almost one!

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were so happy to spend such a great day with our families, it was so nice! We were having so much fun, I barely had time to stop and take pictures. I know, VERY unlike me! We were just hanging out and enjoying everyone and everything. I might have to dress Connor up again and get a nice picture of him in his little outfit! I am such a dork.

We are blessed beyond words and so thankful for our little family, big family and our life! This thanksgiving was so sweet having our precious Connor man to share it with us. I hope everyone had a wonderful day and we already can't wait for Christmas!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Really Thankful!
Connor Francis is going to his first Thanksgiving party with Aunt Jen today! She is taking him to school to show him off and let him join in the festivities! She is such a great aunt! I was so excited for him, dressed him up in his last first holiday outfit from Granny D and got his diaper bag all loaded up. See, I told you we were doing up this last holiday right! :)
I just HAD to snap a few pictures this morning before we left! He looks pretty cute, huh? Thanks for the idea Aunt Steph, I love Reaggie's pictures by the little flag. Granny D just got a new little flag pole, so we had to show it off!
Words can't even express how thankful we are for everything we have. A happy, healthy family, a roof over our heads (thanks mom!) and our first Thanksgiving finally back in St. Louis. I just keep thinking back to our last Thanksgiving that was spent in the hospital. We were so scared and nervous and didn't know if Connor was going to be okay. Instead of stuffing our faces, having a baby shower and being surrounded by family - we were touring the NICU and doing everything we could to cook our little turkey just a little longer. So this year, we are really thankful for the healthy, sweet, wonderful and precious baby boy we welcomed three weeks later! I will post again tomorrow, but I hope everyone has safe travels this holiday weekend!

Connor, WHERE are you?!
So last night we were getting ready to sit down for dinner. Connor had already eaten so he was crawling around on the floor, hanging out with us. A typical night. All of a sudden it got really quiet and I told Bj to go grab Connor, he must be playing with the dog bowls. He wasn't there. I said okay check the water bowls. He wasn't there. I panicked and said check the stairs. Babe, he's not there. Check the bathroom? Not there. Just as panic was starting to set in, we turned around and looked in the laundry room.
He was just hanging out, playing with the wash machine.

It scared the daylights out of us! He was way too quiet, I was envisioning all kind of bad things.
Ay,ay, ay - is this what it is going to feel like the first time he drives somewhere by himself?!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Connor has a little outfit to wear to his birthday party, and a different outfit to wear on his actual birthday. Who doesn't need a special outfit proclaiming that you are the birthday boy?! I was going through his drawers the other day and cleaning out and putting away what doesn't fit and washing what will soon fit. I just pulled out his birthday outfit, pulled off the tags and washed it. Double Sigh...the sweet boy is going to be one in the blink of an eye! It is very exciting, but so bittersweet - I really just can't believe how fast this year has gone! Okay, just had to mention that, don't worry it won't be the last post in the next few weeks where I mention not being able to belive how big my baby is getting!
Monday, November 23, 2009

We love Fall!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Funny Little Guy
He is such a ham. I think they look like they are about to crawl off on a mission - though Scout looks a little lazy back there! Bj got the little man ready for bed the other night and what night is complete without pants on your head?
I was making chocolate chips in the kitchen, hence not getting him ready for bed, and my little funny pants came over to help me!

Oh, he is just too sweet! I can't wait until he is standing on a chair next to me sticking his fingers in the batter and helping me pour and measure! I have been thinking so much lately about Thanksgiving and how thankful I am for all the blessings in my life. This time last year I was in the hospital and I was so worried about the sweet baby in my belly. I just wanted him to stay in as long as he could, I would have done anything to keep him safe. He is such a miracle and I thank God for him every single day!


Friday, November 20, 2009
My Cuteness

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Walking Machine!
The Little Moose Man
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
11 Months Old!
Can I first say, seriously? You are 11 months old? Connor Francis, I don't know where the time has gone? Your daddy asked me today what the date was and I replied with "we have an 11 month old!!" he was laughing, the 17th already? I can't believe that next month we will be celebrating your FIRST birthday. I am so excited for you and I can't wait to watch you enjoy your party and your cake! It is such a special day and you are quite the special little boy.
What have you been up to this month? You are always, always, always on the go! You don't stop and you are getting so fast! Granny said you are even learning how to move things out of your way when you don't want to be contained in a certain spot anymore! You have the best personality - you have a stubborn streak and you let us know when you aren't happy - but most of the time you are giggly, smiley and happy! Your laugh is absolutely contagious. We can't contain ourselves when you laugh and make it a point to make you laugh as often as we can. You get SO excited when daddy, granny, nene, aunt jen, grandpa, nana or I comes in the room. You will crawl over and wait at our feet, just in case we aren't getting to you and swooping you up fast enough! You are pulling yourself up on everything - no mountain is too high for you these days! You climb over things and nothing seems to stop you. You are starting to let go and stand on your own - oh my! You can walk holding our hands and you are terrorizing your walking toy, but no steps on your own yet. We were saying the other day we aren't sure if we are ready for a walking boy in the house, but we know it's coming soon. I can't decide if I think you will be walking before your first birthday or shortly thereafter. You still love the lights and the fan and on our morning snuggles you like to turn the light on above our bed. You are so happy when you wake up and just screech with delight when one of us comes to get you, we usually fight over who gets to get you up from nap time! Then you immediately point towards our bed and go "ooohh" saying momma, it's time to snuggle!
You are eating a combination of baby food and finger foods. You want to make the switch to finger foods, but you aren't quite ready yet. You love to eat cheerios and rice squares and we found out the other day you hate cottage cheese! You have SIX teeth now, your two bottom middle and the four top middle. You have really been a good baby when it comes to teething, we hate it so much when we can tell you are in pain. You are still taking your two naps a day and doing great! You love to stand up in the bathtub and your new favorite game is peek-a-boo. You just love it! The wheels on the buss is still your favorite, especially when momma sings it. Heaven help you child, your momma has a terrible voice! I said I should make a recording of myself singing it so we always have one around in case we need it, but daddy begged me not to!
You love riding in shopping carts these days, your face lights up and you have so much fun coming along for the ride. We are just about to celebrate your last "first" holiday and I can't quite believe it. You are a beautiful, happy, sweet, precious little boy and we are so blessed to have been given the opportunity to raise you. We love you so much and can't wait to see what this next month brings! We love you stinky face! :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fall Photo Shoot

Monday, November 9, 2009
Catching Up...
I have been so behind lately, but I had a few pictures I still wanted to post - even though they were from a few weeks ago :) I think I am struggling a bit with the fact that CFJ is going to be 1 in the very, very near future and I have just been enjoying every second with him. He isn't going to be a non-walking baby for much longer and I am just taking the time to savor every single second of babydom I have left, even though he will always be my baby - even when he is married with kids of his own. So, the week of Halloween, we celebrated Patrick's birthday at 5 guys! He was so good to want to spend the evening with his family, and we had a good time! My sweet momma wanted to support her son-in-law at his restaurant, so she took everyone to dinner! We knew that we weren't going to be able to see everyone on Halloween, so we dressed CFJ up in his dinosaur costume and he had so much fun hanging out at daddy's restaurant. He was the cutest dinosaur there too! I think Patrick had a pretty good birthday, and Connor sure enjoyed a few nibbles of the cake!

Happy Birthday Patrick!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Beautiful Day!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Earning His Keep!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
As I was "blog stalking" during lunch today, I came across this super cute giveaway! This momma is celebrating her year anniversary of blogging and is giving away one of these cute signs! I kind of want all of the Christmas ones, but I especially want this one...

How cute would that look in sweet pea's room? I am a little in love and I just might have to buy it, even if I don't win!! The artist has some other darling signs on her etsy shop too! You can enter the giveaway too, just click here! IF any of you win and you don't know what to do with the sign, I know a precious little boy who would love it! Hint, Hint! :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Busy Bees!
We have been BUSY,BUSY,BUSY around here lately! Whew, does anyone else feel really busy? I don't know when it started, but I feel like we are constantly on the go. I have been trying to get myself organized and get ready for the holiday season, but it's crazy! I don't remember the last time we had so much to do! I will say though that my business is paying off, I have all of Connor's birthday presents and I talked to Santa who has all of his Christmas presents too! Whew, that is one big thing I can cross off the list! It was pretty fun though buying presents and playing Santa this year :) I am not going to lie, we MAY have already listened to Christmas music, the little man and I! So, sorry for the lack of posting, I just have not had any time lately - between work, hanging out with Connor and life - there has just been too much to do! I will try and get better though, as I do love my bloggie. Nothing else going on here...anyone have any other great organizing for the holidays strategies? My aunt sent me this link the other day and I think it's pretty good, about organizing yourself for the holiday season! It is a calendar and it gives you a week by week "what you should be doing" to get ready.
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