He is such a ham. I think they look like they are about to crawl off on a mission - though Scout looks a little lazy back there! Bj got the little man ready for bed the other night and what night is complete without pants on your head?
I was making chocolate chips in the kitchen, hence not getting him ready for bed, and my little funny pants came over to help me!

Oh, he is just too sweet! I can't wait until he is standing on a chair next to me sticking his fingers in the batter and helping me pour and measure! I have been thinking so much lately about Thanksgiving and how thankful I am for all the blessings in my life. This time last year I was in the hospital and I was so worried about the sweet baby in my belly. I just wanted him to stay in as long as he could, I would have done anything to keep him safe. He is such a miracle and I thank God for him every single day!

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