I have been so behind lately, but I had a few pictures I still wanted to post - even though they were from a few weeks ago :) I think I am struggling a bit with the fact that CFJ is going to be 1 in the very, very near future and I have just been enjoying every second with him. He isn't going to be a non-walking baby for much longer and I am just taking the time to savor every single second of babydom I have left, even though he will always be my baby - even when he is married with kids of his own. So, the week of Halloween, we celebrated Patrick's birthday at 5 guys! He was so good to want to spend the evening with his family, and we had a good time! My sweet momma wanted to support her son-in-law at his restaurant, so she took everyone to dinner! We knew that we weren't going to be able to see everyone on Halloween, so we dressed CFJ up in his dinosaur costume and he had so much fun hanging out at daddy's restaurant. He was the cutest dinosaur there too! I think Patrick had a pretty good birthday, and Connor sure enjoyed a few nibbles of the cake!

Happy Birthday Patrick!
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