March 17th, 2009 -- St. Patrick's Day was also my sweet boy's three month birthday! WOW! I can't believe my sweet baby boy is 3 months old! It feels like the last three months have flown by, but in other ways I feel like he is so much a part of our lives I don't remember ever not having him here. He is wonderful and perfect and I don't know what I would do without him. We don't go to the doctor until four months, so no stats this month!

(the pictures was from granny's birthday!)
He is getting SO BIG! He is starting to hold his head up more, laughing, smiling, cooing, recognizing us, lifting up with his arms and sleeping in his big boy crib! He has been on two plane trips and met his whole immediate family. He is such a love bug and his favorite spot is in our arms or sleeping on our chests. I feel like everyday that I wake up I fall a little more in love with him -- as if that is possible. I may complain a lot about the sleepless nights, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Each minute with Connor man is precious and I can handle all the sleepless nights in the world. I know that these infant days aren't going to last and soon enough I will be writing about him walking and talking...or getting his first tooth! I have to say I will savor and enjoy the next three months as much as I have loved the last three -- I know he will bring us as much joy as he has since his arrival in this world.
Oh, and for the record. I sniff,sniff, just finished putting away all of his newborn clothes! I can't believe that he is the same boy who once was swimming in preemie he is busting out of 0-3 months clothes! Ah!