His favorite spot is the little chair with his bookshelves - he sits in his little chair and reads away - he is pretty stinkin sweet!
His favorite spot is the little chair with his bookshelves - he sits in his little chair and reads away - he is pretty stinkin sweet!
I just thought everyone NEEDED to see how cute the little guy is running around the backyard playing and pushing his car! He was a little too busy to totally pay attention to the video camera, but he does show us that he knows what the lion says! :)
Warning: Crazy Momma voice in this one! Ha! Listen at your own risk :) I found some great bargains at Target and Once Upon a Child yesterday and was trying them on C. Poor guy - those shorts are 18 months and Bj said he liked his new capris!! One of these days the 18 month outfits will fit the little man :) The new polo goes with his Easter outfit and he is wearing his shirt from the day underneath! He has been a dancing fool lately - the other day he was even getting down on the ground and coming back up, it was a RIOT! He was dancing at the park earlier and I so wish I had the camera - but he does a pretty good one here!
We had another big first around these parts last week...Connor's first haircut! Ah, I had a little bit, scratch that A LOT of trouble with this but as I have been told it's just a part of growing up. I loved Connor's curls and I was so worried that they would go away with his first haircut, I was also a little sentimental about that being the hair he had in my belly - his first hair. Oh, I am such an emotional sap! :) But, after seeing how long his hair was in the bath one day and people repeatedly telling me how beautiful my little girl was, we decided it was time! We had to wait a little while and he was so good but got a little uneasy in the chair! He was a trooper though and I bedded the hairdresser to not take off too much. She said she would give him the "surfer boy haircut" and I think it turned out pretty cute! It was a little shorter than I would have liked, BUT the curls are still there!!!! Woo-Hoo! It took me a couple of days to adjust, but I think he looks just as handsome as can be! I think this lesson has also taught me that he will definitely have a longer, shaggier boy haircut and not a short boy haircut! I didn't get a great "after" shot, but I have more pictures coming!