Somehow another year has flown by, and you my precious boy are another year older making you 4. Four? How is it even possible that four years ago we were welcoming you into the world, four years ago we still didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. Four years ago I had no idea how bright my world was about to become, I had no idea how much I would love you and how being your momma would make me a better person. I could go on and on, but for now here is how we celebrated you turning one year older :)

You have loved Curious George for quite some time, it's a ritual, we wake up and watch one every morning. You love it, though I will say that you are starting to move away from George and on to Jake and the Neverland Pirates - I am thinking it could be a theme for your 5th birthday :) I asked you a few months ago what you wanted your party theme to be and George it was! I have been searching for fun things to do because birthdays are like a national holiday around here, and I think that is the way it should be. When I was put on bedrest all of this planning came to a halt as we figured out what was going on and where I would be. I will always remember how you handled yourself during this time, my wise little boy. You have been SO excited about celebrating your birthday and I knew one way or another we were going to do something. Because a birthday shouldn't just be celebrated on one day, we broke it into three little celebrations. I thought it would be better for me and my blood pressure, I okayed everything with the doctor, and it's more fun to drag it out :) Friday morning we celebrated with your four little friends - Reese, Cam, William and Henry. We had them over to decorate monkey cupcakes, have some lunch and hang out! We gave out books as a favor, I thought it would be the last year that wasn't too dorky to do :)

Auntie G was hired out to make this amazing cake for you! Let me tell you, it tasted as amazing as it looks! I am not even going to tell you how long it lasted in this house - key words, not long :) Nonny made some homemade macrioni and cheese which also didn't last too long! Ha!!
You guys did such a good job decorating the cupcakes, they turned out adorable - they were so fun to do and it was the only prep I did for the whole three days of celebrating. We just sat in the kitchen and made smiles on the vanilla wafers and you guys had fun going to town with them.
After decorating cupcakes it was outside to break the pinata! You guys were so cute waiting for the candy to come out - I was a little worried about it not being a pull string this year but you guys did awesome breaking it open! Poor Jess realized that by default she was going to be the one holding the pinata, the other mom is pregnant too, ha! She did a great job and you guys were fishing for candy in no time.
I love this picture of the two of you. You and William are such sweet friends and I know you love playing together at school and playdates. You were a rotten stinker when it was time for him to leave, but I think some of that was because of the massive amount of sugar you consumed :) You guys had just helped yourselves to more cake - you both just look so happy and sweet, just like little four year old boys should.

Before bedrest we looked on etsy and picked out your invitations and you picked what little printables you wanted for your party, I had already bought everything so I sat on the couch the other day, hit the print button and cut everything out. It gave me a nice little project to work on and I loved how it turned out. I just love having your birthday party decorations among all of the christmas stuff -this really is a magical time of year. You kept telling me you didn't like the fact that the George tins were wearing binoculars, you funny boy. I had Daddy pull those out of the basement from last years birthday party, taped on a new sign and voila it looks great! ha! Those three tins were the best $3 I have spent! We decided to keep it simple and have Nana, Grandpa, Nonny, Uncle Davey, Shannon and Aunt Jen over for dinner on Sunday to celebrate your "family birthday" as you called it. We did grandparents and godparents because we knew that would be enough excitement.
You told Skipper before going to bed to make sure he found a spot downstairs so he could see everything that went on at the family birthday. It was really cute and you loved that Skipper flew in with some balloons. You also loved that you looked like Curious George holding balloons in the next picture - I love how easy it is to please a four year old :)
My friend Julie made this cake for you and it was amazing!! She is such an amazing baker and did all of this by hand - I can't thank her enough for all of her hard work making this adorable cake for you and you LOVED it!
It seriously looked like Christmas morning after you finished opening your presents - your grandparents and godparents are pretty darn good to you and you were spoiled rotten! I think you may have even thought it was Christmas :) You loved your Jake puzzles from Nonny, your police car from Nana and Grandpa, your puzzles from Aunt Jen and your super cool Handy Manny car from Uncle Davey and Shannon. It's a good thing Daddy is building you a playroom in the basement for all these new toys :)
I have tried to get a pictue of the three of us on all of your birthdays, I love having them. It's so fun to watch as you get bigger and I love remembering what you were into at each birthday. I can't believe that next year on your birthday you will be a big brother and our family will have another little sweetie to love on.
You were a little shy having us all sing happy birthday to you, all three days that we did it :) You are such a shy little guy sometimes and you don't love having the spotlight on you at all. You were pretty excited to blow out your candles though. You called me over to stand next to you and hold your hand - I loved that, my sweet, snuggly, affectionate little boy. I love how you always want just one more kiss. I know you will one day grown out of this but I really hope it's not for a long time.

Well, here we are after a weekend full of celebrating we have arrived at your actual birthday! You are officially four and you couldn't wait to open up your presents from mommy and daddy. I had a dr appointment in the morning and you were so good for us, you were so patient but you were so ready to get home by the time we got there. Daddy took the day off and we left it up to you what you wanted to do on your special day. I thought if you wanted to go anywhere daddy could take you, but you just wanted to hang out. You are kind of a homebody just like us :)

We gave your your new pirate ship, a spyscope and some Jake figures. You were pretty darn excited, it was adorable! I think we have played with your pirate ship in some capacity every single minute since you got it :) Nonny brought over a big box and we have been playing in that too - it's been nice for me to sit in there instead of the couch for a little while! We celebrated just you, me and daddy with dinner and cake, and it was perfect. I mean, you are supposed to have three different cakes to celebrate your birthday, right?! :) Connor, I love you so much and daddy and I are so proud of you. You are such a sweet, loving, smart, impatient, curious, wild, loving, snuggly, snarky little sweet pea. You have grown up so much this year and we can't wait to watch you take on your role of big brother in the coming weeks. You are going to be amazing and wonderful and your little brother or sister is going to be so lucky to have such an awesome big brother to grow up with. Happy 4th birthday my sweet little man, I hope it was wonderful!