We love the fall and it has not disappointed us this year! We love crunching in the leaves, throwing the leaves and sitting in the leaves. Please ignore the boogies in the nose and the dirt on the face, we were having fun :) What do you look forward to in the fall?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Best $4.35 I have Spent...
I may have mentioned once or twice that this little boy likes to play outside. By that I mean - he really, really likes to play "ahside" - so much so that he screams when we bring him in. Well I like to be outside as much as the next girl but I do need to get dinner cooked as well! So, Connor and I cleaned out the water table, bought 10lbs of rice at Sam's, put up the gate and...success!
He is a scooping, dumping, burying fool in his little rice table and with the gate up keeping him on the back porch - I am a cooking fool in the kitchen right next to him :) He is so funny though - we have spent hours playing with the rice. I gave him cups and measuring cups from inside and then we decided to get fancy. We went to the one spot at Target to see what treasures we could find for $1 - some Halloween buckets and a little set of jungle animals. He likes to line the animals up and growl like a lion :) I will consider this a success! Granted we don't have nearly 10lbs of rice in there anymore - and we are working on keeping the rice IN the table - but fun was had by all, and I am a happy momma because I can make dinner while popping in and out of the kitchen to play in the rice table with this cute boy!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Play Date
Saturday my friends Sandra and Caroline invited us to a little play date at the pumpkin patch! We were so looking forward to it and couldn't wait to hang out with some friends :) We left the house armed with our treats and ready for some fun! To say that this boy had a fun time would be an understatement, he couldn't contain himself he was having so much fun! He ran around screaming and laughing with Elijah, his best bud!
Okay, so it looks like he is not enjoying himself at all but really he couldn't get enough of the big kids! He had so much fun chasing Eli and Ray in Fort Spooky, he almost fell asleep on the hay ride! Seriously though this picture just cracked me up, I think it's a riot!
Overall it was a great day at the pumpkin patch with my little cutie. It was SO hot by the time we were on the hay ride I think we were all ready to go :) Ha! We are already looking forward to next year!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Transportation Museum
The groupon deal of the day a few weeks ago was four tickets to the Transportation Museum and with how much this kiddo loves planes, trains and automobiles - I couldn't pass it up! Friday was a great day for a field trip, so we called Nonny and we were off! We had such a fun time, I think we all had equal amounts of fun. They had trains you could run through, a miniature train ride and fun things at Creation Station.
Playing in the pirate ship!
On the miniature train ride with Nonny! He was so cute - he kept saying "choo-choo" complete with the hand motions. He was mesmerized with the wind in his face, sweet little thing. We tired him out though because he didn't throw too big of a fit when we left :)
You know, just driving the train! He was so cute running around - I think he wasn't totally sure what to think but was really excited to see the "choo-choo's!" We had a great day - thanks for coming with us Nonny!
The Pumpkin Patch!
This little stinker is definately pushing almost two and only smiles for the camera when he feels like it! Though in this picture I think it was just too sunny for him to look up, ha! :)
We took this little cutie to the pumpkin patch last weekend and had so much fun! He picked out all of our pumpkins and loved riding in the wagon while daddy pulled him. He had SO much fun driving the fire truck and tractor as anything car or transportation related is his obsession lately. It was just such a fun morning and I am so thankful for this little life. We haven't carved our pumpkins yet, hopefully that is on the agenda for this weekend!
My Sweet Peas
We were hanging out on the porch the other day and I realized I hadn't taken nearly enough pictures of my sweetie lately. He loves to have his doggies in the picture with him, and we love to look at them on the camera - I thought this one just summed up my babies perfectly :) The dogs in all their rotten glory and my sweet boy in all of his sweet little almost two year old glory!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A List!
I feel like lately my life has been defined my "lists" I have little "to do" lists everyone: for the house, for crafts, for Christmas, for work...they just keep coming. Steph made a list on the blog the other day and I loved it! It was a little "to look forward to list" and I thought I would steal the idea...really my favorite thing about her list was that it included a visit from her and Reags to the Lou! So, I thought I would share my list of things on my mind/things I am looking forward too!
- December 2-January 3. That whole time I will be off work, that is exactly 17 more work days that I will be spending with my sweet boy and my sweet husband. I seriously can't wait, every Monday I check the calendar and count down how many more weeks I have left. Being a working momma is not something that I have talked much about for fear that I would open up the flood gates and not be able to stop. I miss my little booger so much during the day and I just can't wait to have that whole fun, family filled holiday time home with him in our sweet little century home.
- With that being said, the holidays! I am so loving fall, decorating the house and getting ready for Halloween! I can' believe the holidays are right around the corner and I really can't wait to see Connor open all of his Christmas presents and enjoy turkey day with our families again this year.
- Craft fairs - I have a LOVE of crafting and I secretly dream that I will be able to quit my job and open a little store to sell all of my creations. My second dream is that I can craft out of my house, while staying home and watching another little kiddo or two at the house with Connor. I have been having so much fun making burp cloths, blankets, bibs, t-shirts, onesies and dresses/jon jon's! I just love it and I love coming up with new little ideas to execute. I have 5 craft fairs coming up that I am participating in and I can't wait! Two of them are new and close to our new house so it should be fun to meet some new people.
- Curtain Fabric! As previously stated, I love crafting and I love making little things for my house. I will heavily be relying on "the pillow/curtain lady" aka my mom as I have two new curtain designs I want to try in the house. I think that curtains are what makes a house/room feel homey so I can't wait to find the perfect fabric for the dining room and the living room windows. After that is done, I will post pictures of those rooms. We just got the master bedroom curtains up, so as soon as I get my butt in gear that will be my next room I show the bloggy world!
- Vegetable Soup and Beef Stew - I have been eating lots and lots of soup lately! I think it stems back to all the soups I ate when I was in the hospital on bedrest, I had soup pretty much morning, noon and night. While I couldn't eat soup for a few months after they released me, it's all I have been craving lately! My favorites are chicken tortilla and vegetable beef! We also love beef stew in our house, as soon as the weather turns cold. I made it the other day (it was 80* out!) and I can't wait to make it again soon :)
- Connor's 2nd Birthday - Wow, I really can't believe that little stink pot is almost 2!! I have some fun ideas for his little construction themed party and I just can't wait to see it all come together. Aunt Steph and Reagan said they are going to try and come and I just can't wait. I told Steph I need some girl time with my best friend so bad, I can't wait! C and R will have so much fun, I just know it. I can't wait to show them our new house and our new little neighborhood!
- Sunday morning breakfast! With Bj not having the conventional M-F job, our full days together are scattered. We don't often have the luxury of the whole weekend together so we try and do something fun on the days we do have together. As the weather turns cooler I love waking up and making breakfast together in our jammies and watching yo gabba gabba or bob the builder while we eat! :)
I couldn't finish the post without some pictures of the boy. They are fuzzy, but I just have to point out that "trick or treating" with his puzzle pieces and this pumpkin are Connor's new favorite things! He carries this thing around all day filling it up, emptying it out! It is pretty funny :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Lil Cowboy
We had such a fun little family night last night, we took a long walk with C and the doggies and discovered a new park that was fun for both kids and dogs. C had a blast and it was so fun watching him run/walk behind the stroller until we got to the street, he is just getting so big. I wanted to write down a few things so I don't forget...
"Boove" is how the little one says "move" - we love it, Bj and I have fun thinking of different ways to use it. Our favorite? We like to boove it, boove it! :)
You love the "gaba gaba truck" - the garbage truck, you are totally in love. You love to show us how it SCOOPS up the trash and DUMPS it in the truck.
"Ahside" you would stay out morning, noon and night if we let you silly boy!
I know I had one more, but I can't seem to think of it!
I know I had one more, but I can't seem to think of it!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
3rd Annual Pig Roast
What have we been up to lately? We have been enjoying the fall weather and looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch! We were going to go last Saturday but woke up to a really cold and rainy day, so we opted to snuggle instead :) 
C has been so into trick or treating lately, it is so cute! We have been teaching him to say "trick or treat" so he is ready for halloween and he has also taken a liking to trick or treating for his puzzle pieces! He sits on the couch or your lap and tells me what each truck puzzle piece is, it's pretty stinkin cute!
He has also been having fun finding new uses for this shopping cart garage sale find! This thing is so cute and he loves it - so much that he wants to ride in it :)
We had my friend Sandra and her kiddos, Elijah and Luca over last week for dinner. To say that Connor had fun with Elijah and baby would be an understatement - he had the best time of his life! It was soooo cute to watch them - they played all over the house and outside until 9pm, totally precious. He was having so much fun he must have forgotten that coffee tables are not to stand on, as this is what I saw when I looked over at one point :)
Laughing and Swinging!
This sweet little boy LOVES his new swing set. From what the neighbors say its been around for awhile but we couldn't resist playing with it :) Scouters is a little nervous about his brother swinging on the swing as you can see - no worries he is all bark and no bite!
Is there anything sweeter than the sound of a little one laughing? I have yet to hear anything sweeter except maybe the word "momma!"
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