Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of Preschool -- Multi-Age Class!

I can't believe it, but it's time for another first day of school already! Connor and I have been talking about when school starts since he did summer camp, he has been SO excited! We just love his little school, I can't say enough good things about it. I kind of wish he could stay there for good! We went to his little "orientation" day on Tuesday and he kept going "you and Daddy really aren't leaving?!" Ha! He wanted us to leave so he could stay - he did end up having a great time showing us around and familiarizing himself with his new friends, classroom and teachers. When we were talking about the best part of our day at dinner that night he told us that he "loves his new teachers and will talk to them so much all year!" :) Sweet, sweet little thing.

I couldn't pull the trigger on three days yet, it made me feel like he was going to leave me for kindergarten too soon so we are doing Tuesday/Thursday again and I am so happy! I think Connor may secretly wish he was doing three days, but I promised him next year he could - and I will try not to back out of it :)

Look at that face - he was so excited. He picked out his shirt that he wanted me to make and I picked out the shorts :) I thought for a minute (hahaha!) that it was going to be chilly on the first day and I thought I would have to figure something out but alas, it was humid as could be! I couldn't find my paperbag for the sign this year so I compromised with the construction paper and I liked how it turned out! I think I may make that the new tradition, we shall see though!

Okay, ignore the fact that he is scratching himself - I just wanted a picture for memory sake of how cute his little outfit looked together :) Mom, do I need to take this picture off? I can't decide.

Connor and Reese are in the same class this year and they are so excited! They each have a few friends from their old classes that are coming with them so I think it's going to be a great year. Great friends, AMAZING teachers and a pretty awesome school, you can't ask for much else!

Ah, this picture had to go in so I can pull it out in 10 years and show Connor how he acted when Momma wanted just one more picture - little snarky thing. I have a feeling we are going to get a good chuckle or two out of this one in years to come! Love you Connor! He is showing off his flying ship in this picture. We have been watching Treasure Planet and he LOVES it! So he made a flying ship and it has been his new favorite toy. Have I mentioned how much I love this boys imagination!?

Overall the first day was a HUGE success! He had a great day and while it was sad to leave him -- I got the best greeting when I picked him up! He came running up and gave me a huge hug and kiss and said "I missed you so much Mommy, but I had a great day!" Ah, that kiddo has no idea just how much I love him.

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