After I left work and got to Nana and Grandpa's house - I was greeted with a sick little man! He had a fever, runny nose, cough and the sneezes! My poor sweet baby, I felt so bad for him. I had to set him in his car seat and walk away for a second and he just cried and it about broke my heart into a million tiny pieces. We decided to head on over to the doctor to make sure it was just a little cold. There he is in the doctor's office - he sure looks sick, doesn't he?! The doctor checked him out and he said it was a cold - a little tylenol and rest and he would be good as new. He sure was, he was all rested and ready for his first trip to the lake! We had such a great time - more on that to come.
Funny story - remember when I went home to St. Louis by myself with Connor in March and I met the nice doctor on the plane and pestered him about C's hernia? Yeah well that ended up being the doctor that we randomly saw on Thursday! He is also my lifelong friend, Annie's pediatrician...how crazy is that?! It sure is a small world - he even remembered me and thought I was only slightly crazy when asking him if he just flew to Colorado in March! :)
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