Saturday, June 6, 2009

Friday Find

So, I have officially made it through my first week at my new job. I love it! I love the people, I love the schedule - I think it's going to be a great fit. I am a little nervous for the "selling season" but I think it will go great. Bj will officially wrap up his first week of work this afternoon and he is loving it to! Whew! Well, my new schedule allows me to have Fridays off - woohoo! So, I have been trying to think of something creative for the little man and I to do on Fridays and then blog about. SO I have decided we are going to go out and about and find free kiddo activities, fun parks, good places to eat and take the dogs, etc on our Friday's together. Then I can blog about them in my "Friday Find!" I also thought it would be a good excuse to get cute pictures of Connor!

This Friday was a bit unusual as we were anxiously awaiting the birth of Reagan after Steph called that morning, we met Aunt Sandra's new niece, baby Ella, and picked up the beef tenderloin for Libby's shower that evening. We may have also driven around Webster looking for a new home! :) So, we can be on the lookout from here on out for the fun little adventures the little one and I get ourselves into!

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