I am addicted to Gymboree.
My name is Ellen and I am a baby-clothes-buying-addict. I can't help myself - I see a sale/bargain/cute thing and I can't pass it up. I did not buy him one stitch of clothing until after he arrived and now I can't stop! I must admit though - no one could pass up the FOUR pairs of pants I bought him last week for $0.76 - yes, seventy-six cents!!

The sweater and onesie that match the cars shorts - I bought on ebay - I am telling you I am crazy. I HAD to have the onesie that matched the shorts I got for $2.00 so I tracked it down on ebay - the lady gave me free shipping too!

I personally think I am going to start a line of boy clothes because there are just not enough out there - and I refuse to pay full price for anything (I prefer anything $4.99 and under - even better if I have coupon). They grow out of them so fast - I feel like I NEED to stock up on all the great sales out there. I was lucky enough not to discover Gymboree until after I had a baby and I love that place. They have super cute clothes, good quality and (at least the one in Longmont) has tremendous sales! I have probably spent about $45.00 in total and I have gotten C an entire wardrobe for the summer and 12-18 months. They have this one rack (it used to be two until I came along) and all the clothes are $6.99 and under - I went in there one day and all of it was an additional 20% off AND I had a coupon for an additional 20% off of that. I was floored - I seriously bought four fleece sweatsuit outfits (pants/onesie/hoodie) for $3.00 each. Ah, I love it!

I thought I would post a TINY (that isn't even a portion of the 12-18 month outfits!) preview of my labor of love...and the little man I drug around with me this weekend in search of bargains. He was a trooper my sweet little man. But, come on, who could resist those cute things?!
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