I should back up from the last post and write about how we found out about our exciting news! Brian and I decided one day that we were ready for a baby. We thought we would throw caution to the wind and see what happened. We fully anticipated lots of trial and error before we figured it out...lo and behold our little bambino was ready and came on the first try! We took a pregnancy test on May 23, 2008 (our 11-month anniversary) and were speechless when we saw two little lines! We kept reading the instructions to make sure it was really real! We hugged, jumped up and down, our jaws dropped to the floor, tears in the eyes...WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!
I don't think either one of us did much at work that day, I also think we were both glowing. I went to the doctor in the afternoon, just to confirm. I needed someone else to tell me that I wasn't "half pregnant" for it to really sink in. After the confirmation, the new momma-to-be questions, and a few tears from the doctor, I was out the door! Brian and I talked the whole way home, we just couldn't stop talking the baby talk! We left that night to head to St. Louis for the Indy 500. I was so naive to think that we would be able to keep it from everyone...I was so wrong!
We wanted to tell both sets of grandparents at the same time...I think were kind of nervous though! We had a really nice afternoon on Sunday, but of course didn't say anything. As we were getting in the car to head to the Erker-Diehr's, I drug everyone out to spill the beans! Needless to say, we have some very excited grandparent's, uncles, aunts, great uncle's and aunt's, great grandparents and the list goes on! This is going to be one spoiled little nugget!!
All in all, it was a very special day for the parent's to be and a very special weekend sharing it with the family we love!
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