My pictures are out of order but we started off Thanksgiving morning as we always do watching the runners! Evs enjoyed his first year snuggled up with momma, he kept watching the runners it was really cute. I just love that our street has this little tradition, its such a fun thing to do!

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of these two, I just them so much. I am so incredibly thankful for these precious boys. They make my life so sweet.
I am also pretty thankful for their Nonny, she is a pretty awesome momma too :)
I couldn't get them to pose perfectly and smile at the same time for me, imagine that!? :)
It was a cold but fun morning!
This was Connor's turkey he made at school, if you can read the writing its pretty darn funny :) Who wouldn't want to come to our house for thanksgiving?! :)
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