Time is flying by!! One of Evs first times sitting in the grocery cart, he looks thrilled doesn't he? I don't think he knew what was going on :) Sweet buddy! Connor was excited to have him next to him for sure!

Helping me hang molding in the dining room, it looks so good!
I love a sweet, sweet sleeping baby picture. It is way too much for me to handle and makes me want at least 7 more babies!! :)
Ev started doing this squishy face and I love it! It was hard to get it on camera, but he was being cheesy one morning when he woke up. Poor buster at 8 months still doesn't have any teeth. I will say thought that this nursing momma doesnt' mind too much :)
We took so many walks this fall, it was amazing! I am so thankful we did because this winter has been brutal!! We only made it down the street this time and ended up playing in the leaves. It was a pretty fun way to kill some time :)
Learning to crawl up his closet step! He is so funny the boy LOVES to crawl up and down the steps, I think he would do it all day if I let him. Thank goodness for gates!
Sweet boy LOVES the bath too! He sits in there and splashes away. It is really cute he just starts splashing away whenever Connor gets in, he already knows its their little thing to do together in the bath :)
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