We were lucky enough to be able to tag along with Aunt Jen, her friend Ashley and the Johnson's last week for a little getaway! We were going to the Keys for a wedding (I got NO pictures!!) and decided to make it a week long vacation, and it was wonderful! I actually wasn't able to leave until Tuesday while everyone else left on Saturday. I was so sad to leave my boys, the house is way too quiet without them. The only thing that was really nice was that I was able to get all of my orders out before I left, I spent 18 hours at my mom's between Saturday and Sunday...whew! It is wonderful though, I love making all of my orders :) Bj said Connor did great on the plane and was really good - BUT he was climbing out of the pak 'n play at night and naptimes...ah!!! I am SO not ready to move my sweet boy to a big boy bed!! Ha! I sure was excited to get to them though!

We were in Marathon Key and it was just gorgeous! We rented this beautiful house and just had the best view. Connor loved playing outside and being in the pool! We went to the beach on Wednesday after I got there and it was so fun. Connor loved playing in the water and asking Aunt Jen and Ms. Ashely to get him a dolphin :) I of course was like the paparazzi and took about a thousand pictures of him, I seriously couldn't decide which one I like the best so I shared them all, haha!

How cute are those crab swim trunks?! (Aunt Steph, those are going to baby boy after we grow out of them!!) I loved them! Nana and Grandpa also got him a pair of Cars swim trunks and Aunt Jen and Ashley found him some Cars water shoes - he wouldn't take them off, it was too funny! Unfortunately they picked up a terrible odor from the beach and had to stay at the condo :(! C has started making this face that we like to call "The Jay Leno" or "The Joker" - I think he is getting his 2 year molars in and that must make him feel better? I am hoping it passes soon though :) He must have heard me say something about it and goes "No Momma, No Jay Leno" :)
I can't believe I put a picture of me in a swimming suit on here, but I am I am in so few pictures, and I thought C looked cute. I wanted to make sure he remembered that I was actually on the trip and not the hired photographer :)
Nana and Grandpa bought Connor a kite and we had the PERFECT windy day for it! I think Daddy might have enjoyed it more than Connor though, haha! It was pretty funny he almost took out a little family on the beach with it, it was seriously SO windy - but a perfect beach day!
C loved smashing the sand castles that Daddy was making, it was so funny! BUT, he is not yet at the age where he enjoys touching the sand. Hahaha! He fell down at one point and had his hands up screaming for me to pick him up :) I think maybe next year he will enjoy the sand?!
They had this super cute park at the beach and we had the best time on the trampoline, merry go round and swings! It was the perfect little distraction for him, he was getting tired of the beach but Momma needed a little more sun on her pale body! When we left the playground Connor looked at me and said "Connor had fun at the park and beach today!" :) SO cute, have I mentioned that I love this little booger?!
He is such a helper, he likes to help with anything and everything - here he is blow drying Aunt Jen's hair :)
We went to the Dolphin Research Park to see the dolphins, but C was not at all interested in them. It was pretty amusing, he could have cared less and I was a little nervous that he was going to fall in the water with the dolphins so we went out and played at the little splash park they had, he LOVED it! They had all these BUTTONS!! you could push and he was in heaven. We loved how he would push the button, wait for the water and cover up his eyes...sweet little sugar :) I made him the cutest little shirt to wear to the aquarium, but didn't get a good picture, so sad!

On Friday we decided to head down to Key West for the day and it was so fun! I haven't been to Key West since a college spring break so it was so fun to go back! Though, after remembering that spring break, Aunt Steph and I decided that Reagan and Connor are not allowed to partake in any spring break's in Key West :) I just though C looked so cute in his little madras shorts, I love madras shorts and polo shirts - I seriously think I made the poor kid wear them 3 times in the 4 days I was there!
Daddy, Grandpa and Carlos Fuente, haha! These are the cigars that Grandpa smokes - after realizing who he was they had to get a picture! Poor Nana wanted a good picture with Connor and he was not about the smiles that day - we are going to have to keep trying until we get a good one :)
We had lunch at this neat little place in Key West and our booth had the window wide open, it was so fun! Connor loved watching all of the buses and choo-choo trains, he was so funny! He kept trying to sneak his little leg out of the window - he certainly has "selective hearing" these days when we tell him things he doesn't like to hear :) It really was a great day - it was so fun to travel the Keys and check out another place while we were down there! After lunch we grabbed some ice cream and then it was back in the car! A few more pictures in the next post, hold tight!