After going to the Magic House and dining on "no-no's and chicken" for Connor's actual birthday, we invited our friends and family over for his birthday party on the 19th. It was so much fun and I just had the best time getting everything pulled together! I had so much fun I didn't even really take that many pictures: cue: I was running around like a crazy lady!! C is so into his cars, trucks and anything that "go's" so the them this year was construction. We had the cutest little invitation, I will have to upload a picture and the colors I worked with were orange, brown, a little red and yellow.

My favorite little favors were the plastic construction hats and toolbelts! I just thought they were a little too cute, I found the hats at the dollar bin at Target over the summer and I used scraps of construction themed fabric to make the little tool belts. I thought they turned out pretty cute :) C would only keep the hat on for a hot second and was not about to put the toolbelt on, but you can see them in the next picture. :) I also had little dump trucks (from the dollar store), playdough, construction stickers in a little favor bag to take home.

I like to try and keep the meals simple and not anything people would eat over the holidays since we celebrate the week before Christmas. This year we had fruit, veggies and chicken alfredo pasta and a pasta with meat sauce (I seriously can't think of the name of it, I am about to call my momma!). I also had pub mix that I put in a dump truck, so cheesy but I thought it made the table look nice and festive! It's times like this I am thankful we don't yet have dining room chairs for out table, it made a great little serving area! It's hard to see, but I made a cute little table runner - C loves it and likes to point out all of the bulldozers on it. I forgot to take a picture of my drink table, it was pretty cute too, haha!

I had all kinds of little activites for the kiddos to do until I realized that we were having 25-30 of our closest friends and family over...and we have a tiny house! I had Connor's little table out for coloring, but the big kids ended up playing in Connor's room and the little babies napped on the table in their car seats - it worked out perfect!
I thought Connor's little shirt turned out cute, he loves bulldozers and he was so excited to show off his "2". I love making stuff for him that he likes, it just makes my heart happy. He has since requested to wear it a few dozen times :) I did the "2" for him to wear on his actual birthday and then this number that matched the theme of the party.
Auntie G once again outdid herself with Connor's awesome cake! He was seriously beside himself because their were trucks on his cake, he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He also had fun picking the candy's off the side :) He loves it when we sing happy birthday to him - he just stood on the chair like a big boy and blew out his candle with the help of Nonny.
Seriously, isn't that the cutest little cake? I already can't wait to see what she comes up with next year! Also, a little biased but that's one pretty cute little 2 year old!
Nana and Grandpa found him this birthday cake, it is the cutest little thing ever and will now be what I get all two year olds. He loves it. We sing "happy day" to everyone in the family at least three times a day, it's pretty funny. You actually "blow" out the candles too, it is darling!
C was spoiled rotten and has so many fun cars to play with - he loves it! Every morning he gets so excited to play with all of his goodies. He loves his race car rug from Nonny too, he lays on the floor and pushed the cars all over :) Sweet thing.
It is hard to tell and the one set of balloons are flying away, but I thought I was a little too clever (hahahaha!). I found this set of construction cones at the dollar bin over the summer and they were what held up the balloons, I loved it :) C, Daddy and I are totally into the movie Cars now (thanks Aunt Jen!) and I love that it tied in with the "Cozy Cone Motel" - I am seriously a dork, should I have this much fun planning a birthday party? I think so too!
He spent the rest of the afternoon being goofy and showing off for everyone. Here he is showing you what Paw-Paw does when he watches football! He was WIRED until everyone left and his momma and daddy were beat. I was seriously so tired I didn't know if I was going to make it to his 7:30 bedtime. Thankfully at 6pm he looked at me and said "seepy seep please" and I happily obliged. The little man didn't move a muscle until 8:30 the next morning, ha!
I try so hard to make sure that Connor has a special birthday away from Christmas. I know it may not always be the case, but I sure hope it is. I hope he knows how much we love him and we can't wait to see what this next year brings.