That was the weather report for this weekend and Mr. Weatherman did NOT disappoint little momma! I am not much of winter person, I don't mind it over the holidays and as long as the sun is out, I just don't care much for gloomy days. Connor was a little cranky on Saturday afternoon and I could tell he was a little bored, so we decided to venture outside! 
I was pretty much crying we were having so much fun! I mean...have I mentioned yet that I am in love with being a momma? I just had the best day with my little boy - the little walker pushed his car up and down the driveway twice and was screaming with delight when I pushed him up and down the driveway while the doggies chased up. He just looked so incredibly sweet and wonderful just toddling/walking up and down the driveway.
He is just getting so big before our eyes and each day is better than the next - I love watching him grow and change and all that it comes with. We are just having a great time loving on our little sweet pea! We are thankful for warmer weather and sunshine and can't wait for the spring!
Oh, and can you guess what we are doing tonight?

Oh, and can you guess what we are doing tonight?
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