I love old pictures, I think it is so fun to look back and see what everyone looked like and reminisce. I was so excited to pull out my pictures from my first birthday and Debbie was sweet enough to pull out a few of Brian's. It was so fun to look at Bj's pictures to see the similarities between he and Connor, I just love it! Bj's first birthday fell on Easter, doesn't he look cute in his little sailor outfit? I couldn't believe how much Connor looked like him! I still stand firm that he is a combination - but I don't dispute all that call him "little Bj"!

I think I look like a little devil in these pictures, look at that facial expression! I think I was just excited about the CAKE! It was fun to pull out the pictures and to see my dad - I sure wish he could have watched his grandson at his first birthday party. I think the mom's did a great job with out little parties - they sure looked like fun first parties! I also love that Bj and I celebrate our birthday's exactly one month apart. I secretly wanted Connor to come late and arrive on February 12th - ha! Now I just wish he would have come on time :)

The sweet man at his party! I can't believe I have a picture to post of my son's first birthday party. The time is just flying. I cheated and put the 17th, even though his party was on the 13th! It will be so fun to look back at these pictures years from now when we are putting together his rehearsal dinner slideshow - I am sure I will REALLY be boo-hooing then about my baby getting married!!

This was the little board I used to display our first birthday photos. I think everyone had fun looking at them - it's always fun to see who someone looks like. Oh and just in case you were wondering - this entire week is dedicated to the birthday. I am a HUGE birthday fan and I think it is only fitting that we celebrate for at least a week!
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