For those who don't know, my wonderful NeNe watches Connor Francis on Monday's and he loves it! I think she loves it too - it's her job as she says! She called last week and asked if she could take a vacation day this Monday to visit with some friends, we agreed :) She is amazing though and we are so thankful that she spends the day taking such great care of our baby.

The other day they decided it was a good day for a bath and not just any bath, a bath in the sink! He looks so cute in there and he loves it! He likes to play with the faucet and loves it when we sprinkle him with the water. It is the perfect little size for him, and he loves to play with his new boats and rubber duckies in the sink!

Rubber duckies are for chewing, right?

Do you love my mohawk? My momma says I look pretty handsome :)

There he is, clean as a whistle and snug as a bug! He looks so cute getting out of the bath tub and I love getting him all cozy in his jammies - especially putting his lotion on. Is there anything more intoxicating but the smell of a clean baby head, tootsies and fingers?
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