It wasn't too terribly humid out tonight, so we thought we would take a little walk to the park. The doggies were in need of a little exercise and we thought Connor would have fun on the swing set! He was just cute as can be - he LOVED the swings! He was squealing and laughing and just having a grand old time. He couldn't get enough of it he would go back and his little face would light up and he would just laugh and smile as he flew forward! I think we have a little outdoor lover on our hands!

Loving the swing set! Posing oh so nicely! :)
Steering the Pirate Ship with Daddy!!
He had a lot more fun sliding down the slide than this picture shows!
Hanging out with Mr. Zebra!
We had such a nice little night. We wore the doggies out with the frisbee and they were just lounging in the grass while we did the park loop and had the place all to ourselves. Connor just loved it! We were laughing that we can already hear it "Momma and Daddy just one more push, please?!" And we can already here ourselves saying okay - just one more.
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