Thursday, June 25, 2009

6 Month Stats!

Since I know everyone has been dying to are the six month stats!

Weight: 15lb. 8oz (25%)
Length: 25.5 inches (25%)
Head Circ: 44 cm. (50%)

We met with the new doctor at the new practice and I have to say we are quite pleased! Dr. Calfee was super friendly and was seemed more than happy to meet us. She said the Connor looks great and she is referring to his stats on the "normal" baby scale not the adjusted preemie scale - so that is our big man's stats at six months and I would have to say he is holding his own in that 25th percentile! He has a large head though to house that massive, intelligent brain of his! She said he looks and acts developmentally right about his actual age, not the adjusted! We were super excited to hear that and we are so proud! He has now gained 10 pounds, almost 11, since being released from the hospital - way to go big man! We have to go back next week for the shots and then not again until 9 months. He was also given the go-ahead to start eating some fruits and veggies! I can't wait to see how he does, we are off to Target tomorrow to get his new booster seat and perhaps a new book for being the best little boy ever!

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