December 17th, 2008
4lb. 2oz. -- 17.5 inches long
Very shortly after the doctors came in on my 34th week, Tuesday December 16th, to let us know that we were doing fine and would continue on as we were -- the little baby had another dip in his or her heartbeat. So, as we were sitting in our hospital room relishing in the fact that we had made it, the doctors came in and said we were going to have a baby. They said that he was ready and we would start the process within the hour. Needless to say, we shed a few tears, were a bit nervous and overwhelmed, but also very excited to meet our sweet little baby.
About an hour later I was started on Pitocin to induce contractions in order to see how the babys heartbeat would tolerate labor. We passed with flying colors and were going to wait until the morning before we did anything else. My doctor inserted a foley catheter in my cervix to dilate me 3cm by the morning to hopefully move the process along. I was also told I would be started on a magnesium sulfate drip in the morning to keep me from having a seizure during labor (because of the high blood pressure). I was a little hesitant about this as I had not heard very good things about. We were a little nervous, but still managed to get some sleep before the big day.
Wednesday December 17th -- I woke up and we realized that I had had a few contractions during the night and it was time to see how we would do. I had to get another catheter as I would not be allowed out of bed during labor because of the effects of the magnesium sulfate. My IV was stocked with antibiotics for the baby, pitocin to induce labor, magnesium for me and saline drip. We worked on inducing labor for about 6 hours before I rolled over on my side and realized, while talking to Bj, that the baby's heart rate was not where it should be. I realized that the nurse wasn't coming right back in and I looked down to see three large dips in the heartbeat on the monitor strip, I think about that time I knew what was going to happen. As soon as I looked up two of my doctors and my nurse, Jeanie, were in the room telling us that the baby could not handle labor anymore and we needed to get him or her out. Minutes later the anesthesiologist was in the room explaining what he needed to do, I was given a quick rundown of what would happen during the c-section, Bj was suited up and we were off to the operating room. I have never seen anyone move quite so fast. The anesthesiologist was waiting for us, the doctors and nurses were in the OR, I was given a spinal tap, laid down on the table and 10 minutes later at 2:37pm the most amazing little man was born -- Connor Francis Johnson.
It was an absolutely amazing experience -- I had Bj by my side and we just looked at each other after he arrived. The doctors told us he was a boy and we watched as they cleaned him up and tapped on his feet, he didn't want to cry right away, and couldn't quite believe that the little person on the table was our son. Bj went right over to look at him, take pictures and tell me he was perfect. They brought him over to say hi for just a minute before they whisked him off to the NICU. Bj followed him while I was stitched up and brought to the recovery room. I can't even begin to describe the adrenaline rush we both had. We called both Grandma's and then I had to be quiet so I could stop by his room on the way back to mine. I had to stay in Labor and Delivery for constant monitoring and I had to continue with the magnesium drip until 24 hours after I delivered. I have never in my life felt quite as terrible as these drugs made me feel, but I still had a rush from just delivering out sweet little man. My mom and David arrived that evening and spent some time with me and some time admiring the little boy. I wasn't able to go over and be with him until Thursday afternoon, but the minute I saw him and held him for the first time I instantly felt better. I had no idea you could fall in love with a tiny little person quite so fast. He is teeny tiny and perfect in every way. He is going to take a little extra care in the NICU but that's okay -- we will be home soon enough.
I could go on and on and I will probably write him another letter with more feelings and emotions but I just wanted to get out the story of his birth. I don't want to forget one single thing about it -- it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever been a part of. I just can't wait for us to love this little boy for the rest of his life, welcome to the world little man.
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