Three whole months have gone by since this precious baby came into our world! It's our first "milestone" month in his first year and it's crazy!! We are still doing pretty great over here, still loving on this sweet boy!

Somebody was pretty happy about his three month photo session! I love being able to look back and see how much they change over the first year, it really is amazing when you think about it! Mister E is still an eating machine. He still eats about every 2-3 hours all day - sometimes more in the evening as he is gearing up to sleep. He is sleeping much better now at night, just like Connor who figured it out at about three months.
You still love to put your hand/arm straight up on my neck while you nurse, it's really funny and really sweet :) You are the happiest little baby! You love to laugh and smile all the time. You think it's really funny when we fake sneeze, give you raspberries and talk to you! Connor loves to make you laugh and he talks to you all the time. Sometimes he loves you a little too much and we have to tell him to back away - especially from kissing your head! I am still such a nervous nelly around that soft spot!
You are so happy to lay on a blanket and kick your feet, talk and wiggle around! You are hit or miss depending on the day about tummy time. You rolled over for the first time in your third month from your back to your belly! You still aren't doing it with consistency but you are working on it!
You are just the sweetest little baby - you bring more joy to our live than you will ever know! We love you little Evie!