You are my sunshine, my sweet pea, my moose, my little man, my angel, my stinkpot, my honey bee.

You are sweet as can be, give the best kisses and snuggles. You LOVE to smell the flowers, play outside, go down the slide, play peek-a-boo, rub your belly, be stubborn, snuggle in bed in the mornings, snuggle with your blankie, monkey and bunny.

You are all over the place, you never stop! You would play outside all day long if we let you. Literally from sun up to sun down! You are an adventurer and we love that about you! You have the cutest little head of curls, and they get really curly when you just wake up or get hot from playing.

You love momma's water bottle - so much more than any other water bottles :) Your eyes light up when you see us, just like ours light up when we see you. You love your grandparents, aunt's, uncle's, cousins, friends and momma and daddy. You have an amazing love of life and new things. Your laugh and smile are contagious and we think you know it!

You can be very cantankerous when things aren't going your way - we are seeing some temper tantrums emerge! We are starting to get a glimpse of the "terrible two's!" :) We think your "temper tantrum" face is pretty darn cute! You have the cutest little walk and we think you are going to be running in no time! You still love the water and we can't wait for the pool to open! You brighten our days and we love to watch you - be you!
You are 16 months old and we love you more than we ever could imagine! Thank you for being you sweet boy!
Ellen, these pictures are so adorable! I can't remember if I ever told you - but congrats to you and BJ... Connor is too cute! (I especially love the picture with the dandelion behind his ear!)
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