I love to read, I really, really, really love to read. Growing up my parents said I always had my nose in a book sometimes I would read by the light of the street light out my window after "lights out" - I know that's really dorky, but I just really love reading! So, reading was definitely something that I wanted to pass on to Connor. From the time he was in the womb I have been reading to him (poor kid had to suffer through the twilight series with me!) and everyday we read as many books as we can. In addition to reading, I love a good bargain! I have scoured "Neiman Marcus North" as my Granny calls the the junk store for the 10 for $1 deals and
Once Upon A Child. I love that place for children's books! The other day they had buy 3 books get 1 free! Woo-hoo! I got the little man 6 hardcover books and a stuffed animal for $10! One of our favorite deals was
this book - we love "Tails" and now "Dog" has become a favorite! You should see the boy's bookshelf, it's overflowing! Connor's FAVORITE book I found was a circa 1982 "Baby Faces" book. He seriously can't get enough of it. When I say that we read it 78 times a day I am serious, I could be UNDERestimating the number of times we read it! Look at the joy on his face in pictures 1 and 3...how could you not read the book so many times in a row? He was so excited to read it, he couldn't even wait to get dressed after his bath the other night! For a nerdy bookworm like my self that is a site of beauty to my eyes! I love that he has taken an interest in reading and I hope it is something that sticks with him. For now, we will read "Baby Faces" as many times a day as we can! Oh, Borders also has some great deals on books - I found quite a few books for $2.99!
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