Santa decided to give Connor one of his toys early this year - he called and said he has just been such a good boy, he couldn't resist! He knew how much Connor would love playing with his new pop-up peek-a-boo toy that he said, just this once I will come early!

Everything is "ooohh" (prounounced like "ehw") these days, he is RIGHT on the cusp of just talking up a storm. He wakes up and the little finger is pointing at everything and the little mouth is spouting out lots of "oh's", telling us all about his sweet dreams, what he wants to do today. It is SO sweet!

I just loved this little face, he was having way too much fun!

He loves to push the animals down, that's what he's supposed to do! BUT, he also has learned how to open the green animal - it is a circle that you push, so he loves to open and close that one about a dozen or so times. Connor, you are growing up way too fast! Thanks Santa, for coming early and bringing sweet boy this fun new toy!
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