So, the pictures are backwards, but I was too lazy to fix them. Anyone else sometimes feel like that after the holidays!? Ha! We started out the holiday weekend with our annual exchange with the Erker/Diehr family. We went to Annie and George's house this year so they didn't have to take their sweet, sweet six week old TWIN girlies out in the cold!! We had such a great time - I held cute babies, Connor and Frankie played - it was great! The food was delicious and the company was pretty great too. It was so nice to start off the holiday season spending time with great friends! After that we went to my Uncle Bill and Uncle David's house for Christmas Eve dinner. We had a great time and the food was delicious! Connor was great considering we were out WAY past his bedtime and their house is not exactly child friendly.
Say cheese Granny!
I just thought he looked a little too cute sitting at the big table in his little chair! He seriously ate a pound of sweet potatoes I think - he cleared his plate and then mine!
How cute are these two?! Neither one of them really wanted to have their picture taken, but they looked too cute to pass it up! I have another picture where Connor is just staring at Frankie like, am I going to be that big someday?! Too cute!!
We had such a great Christmas Eve - after dinner we were tuckered out and ready to see if Santa would visit in the morning!

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