Can you believe it? The little man is 9 months old!
It is so crazy to me that a few months from now I will be posting pictures of his first birthday party - unbelievable how fast it's going! We had quite the eventful 9 month birthday! For starters, you started crawling in the afternoon! I brought you home from your doctor's appointment and you looked at Granny and I and took off! It was hysterical - your little legs kept crossing, but you just kept right on crawling! You were so proud of yourself and I looked up at Granny with a huge smile and said, "looks like Momma's going to Babies 'R Us tomorrow morning!"

How do you celebrate your 9 month birthday? By going to the park of course! After daddy got home we decided to put you in the stroller, get the doggies on the leash and head to the park for a little family outing! We had such a nice time - you were having fun watching the doggies from your stroller and listening to the band from the football game at the end of the street. After we wore the doggies out, you got to swing on the swings and you know you loved that!
We just had such a nice time as a little family and I am so thankful for all the moments we have like this, they brighten my day and get me through the long days at work!
This month has been HUGE for you! You started pulling yourself up, army crawling, crawling, your first two teeth came in and you have been able to start eating "cookies" and hunks of banana! You got two shots at your doctor's appointment and you were such a brave little boy, I was so proud of you. You love to interact, play outside, play with the doggies, snuggle in bed with momma and daddy, play with granny's glasses and laugh! You don't use your little bathtub anymore, you just sit in the big bathtub! You have grown and changed so much and we love everything that each new day brings. You are wonderful and we love you so very much! And, because I know you are wondering...
We just had such a nice time as a little family and I am so thankful for all the moments we have like this, they brighten my day and get me through the long days at work!
Your Stats:
Weight: 18 3/4 lbs! - 25th percentile
Height: 28 1/4 in. - 50th percentile
Head Circ: 45 cm. - 50th percentile!
Wowzers - you are in the 50% now big boy and growing like a weed!
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