Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nursery Lay-Out

The other day I found this nifty little tool online that allows you to design a virtual nursery. I was intrigued and then addicted, it was so fun! It has all the different accessories you could think of to put in the room, it even lets you edit the size of the actual room. It was a very exciting find for me! I already had an idea of where I wanted everything to go, but it was kind of fun to see it put in front of me, without all of the heavy lifting. They even have a tool that allows you to paint the different rooms, though it is far less exciting than the room creator. So, given me not changing my mind we have a room layout! Woo-hoo! It seems like the best option and I think it looks pretty nice. We decided the other day that the nursery is going to be a very sweet, cozy little room and we can't wait to see it all come together. To show you the level of dedication I have, I wasn't able to save the room design, so I took a picture of it on the computer screen. It is a little blurry, but seems to give you the general idea. The only piece of architecture that would not cooperate was the closet, so I went in and photo-shopped some captions. Not sure if the lovely oval rug is going to make it in the room, I just got a little carried away "designing". Now all I have to do is figure out what color and bedding scheme the little one would enjoy and we will be good to go. I did make some progress in there this weekend, everything is off the walls and hopefully by the weeks end everything fragile will be packed up and moved out. Soon enough we will start working in our little empty shell of a room, I can't wait to see how it turns out!

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